Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Coordinated viral attempt

In short: viral spread date: on hold (Originally, coming to the aid of NoMan'Sky launch, but they did terrific, and any more hype would be counterproductive as it was the case. Now, to be decided, letting NMS augment its own momentum so they bring understanding of the power of fractals to corporations and ordinary people alike. Those wishing more will find #BAUniC structures developing already)

In long:

Have you ever given to a good cause?

Your money? Your skills?
(With practice and collaboration we got better at wording the message. We need you to be good at having lots of people to hear it. Suggestions and questions are welcomed.)

Expecting just endorphins in return?

What if you could change the world on top of that?
On a snowball effect path, to a self fulfilling prophecy.

Support for #BAUniC will not radiate merely your good example but actually the information that gets together the brilliance of our civilization, inspiring the doers to learn of each other and to get together actually fill in where e=mc2 meets self-consistent fractal grids, information which resides in different places in our collective knowledge, synthetic systems and organic brains separated by continents.

#BAUniC aims to chain input/transformation/formula/output between various disciplines towards universe construction. This is easy when split into tasks. Filling in those posts requires:
1) People willing to do it (plenty of people are working independently, often not knowing of the progress of others).
2) People knowing where input/output are needed, and where a transformation can help.
3) People sharing this knowledge and need, which is where you come in.

This attempt at a viral campaign wishes to succeed because the path towards #BAUniC is enlightening and collaborating, needed always in our civilization's history, (much more when too much information cannot possibly be held in one head, or when waves of terror and ignorance cannot be warfought in traditional ways)

Also objective is to bring transcendence fast enough to keep Stephen Hawking with us.

Of course the main objective is catapulting our civilization forward (to an enlightened era, or an age of well deserved self destruction if we are given the keys of abundance and use them to bring war instead)

Regressing from progress and education because not ready to handle progress and education is not the kind of civilization I wish to live in.

Therefore, please, pleeeeeeeeaaaasseee, puppy-eye pleaaasseee... help us roll this snowball a little bit faster on to our society.

Thank you!

Here are a few examples of tweets and comments you can use:

Knowledge & progress are enemies of ignorance & terror. Let's build universes instead of death and destruction! Building A Universe Competition #BAUniC

(supportive of the material presented)
Thank you for your fight against ignorance and greed.
One more tool in the hands of those wishing to fight change the world: #BAUniC - Building A Universe Competition/Collaboration/Challenge

(in reply to time-wasters)
This material contributes to ignorance, even if in a mild distracting way. Let's focus on something more important than this! Building A Universe Competition #BAUniC

(in reply to 'good' time-wasters)
This makes the world a better place by a tiny bit. Thank you for your effort. Up for more? Building A Universe Competition #BAUniC

(for you and your contacts)
We are sorry one needs such efforts to bring up great ideas from Bieberdashian's kittens.
Time to call in all your allies, though, for the cause.

(occasionally added)
Don't include to the comment/tweets. Let the interested parties find it themselves. It is not hard, and it will reinforce their memory too.

(extra links)
* No Man's Sky:
* open Letter to the internet
* #BAUniC:promotion:meme: (updated)
* #BAUniC:promotion:movie: (SPOILERS!! Enter here only if you seek to contribute and guide actors/characters/story)

* Repost of wiki's deleted article, with a human note attached to the end. Contest that, wikipedians.

Thank you!